Susurration: in a sentence

Definition of Susurration

a soft whispering sound, whisper, murmur

Use Susurration in a sentence

The silence fell sharply, but the faint susurration of their voices went on.

I am really tired and need a peaceful beach, the sound of a calm susurration of waves.

He heard the distant susurration of waves and filled with peace.

Hearing a faint susurration, Wolverton assumed it was the sound of a car coming nearer.

There had been an almost inaudible susurration, so low that they hadn’t been aware of it until it ceased.

I realized that the only sound in the just-below-freezing air was the susurration of sledge runners gliding over snow.

With a susurration, the people filed out of the chapel, until the only ones remaining were Wickham, the two soldiers, Hamill, and the alien.

A place where eagles soar and the susurration of the wind touches ears and hearts in a way unknown before.

A noise from the far side of the room surprised him; a subtle susurration that reminded him of the desert, raising the hairs on the back of his neck.

There was no sound but the clicking of the keys, and the soft susurration of breath as he lit one cigarette from the remains of the other.